I never said I wasn't crazy.

Blah Blah Blah

Location: Midwest, United States

We're all mad here.


People I Know & Read


Book Kitten

People I Don't Know - But Like Anyway

Unemployed? See OddTodd

The Edge

The Onion

Morbid Curiousity

Cosmic Log - What's Happening in Space

Karadin @ LJ

The Unrepentant Marxist

Purple Squirrel

We're Only Human

Ask Dr. Eldritch

Other Stuff

Nailz and I's Infamous Picture

this is funny and you should watch it

my artsy-fartsy photos

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

shove me in the shallow waters, before i get too deep

July 16, 2015 ()
Q: Are you wearing socks?
A: No. Because I never sleep with socks on unless it is very cold.

July 17, 2015 ()
Q: How can you help?
A: By being mindful. It is not all about me.

July 18, 2015 ()
Q: What are the ingredients for a perfect day?
A: No obligations and no work. A short drive and photos. Maybe with a good friend.

July 19, 2015 ()
Q: What do you need to throw away?
A: A lot of food stuff in Grandma's cupboards, but I have to be sneaky about it.

July 20, 2015 ()
Q: Does anything hurt today?
A: My left boob. It always seems to hurt.

July 21, 2015 ()
Q: Who was the last person to make you angry?
A: Angry, huh? I don't get angry often. I get annoyed easily some days and anyone who has talked to me lately would know who it is that annoys me the most frequently.

July 22, 2015 ()
Q: Where do you go for good ideas?
A: Outside. Fresh air helps - along with walking and stretching.

July 23, 2015 ()
Q: What was the last thing you baked or cooked?
A: Um. Banana bread? Oh! I grilled brats this past Sunday. *feels proud*

July 24, 2015 ()
Q: What's in your fridge?
A: Barely anything that is mine. My grandma has it jam packed.

July 25, 2015 ()
Q: If you could hire any artist (living or dead) to paint your portrait, who would you pick?
A: Picasso because right now I am a jumbled (and sometimes) angry mess.

July 26, 2015 ()
Q: Are you working hard or hardly working?
A: Working hard, if 60 hours this week is any indication.

July 27, 2015 ()
Q: What can you smell right now?
A: Ew. My own stinky fart. But that is the glory of being single! No reason to be embarrassed.

July 28, 2015 ()
Q: Write a phrase to describe your year so far.
A: Slowly gaining momentum and now full speed ahead.

July 29, 2015 ()
Q: What was the last road trip you took?
A: Hm. I'm always by myself. Does that count? And does it have to be to somewhere you've never been to? If those two qualifications come into play, it would probably be sometime in 2013.

July 30, 2015 ()
Q: Today was unusual because ______________.
A: I decided to stop working on my document work before 10pm.

July 31, 2015 ()
Q: Today were you a wallflower or social butterfly?
A: Um. Wallflower? I didn't go out and do anything so... :/

Random Ramble:
I've been working full-time at my new job since the end of May. Things are going alright. There were some growing pains, but those are mostly past now. There's just one hitch: I didn't think that $10/hour was too bad to start out at, but it turns out that it is really hard to live on just $10/hour working a normal work week of 40 hours. So I've kept my part-time, work from home job that also pays $10/hour. Besides working over 40 hours a week at my full-time job, I sometimes work up to 20 hours a week for my part-time job. Even 60 hours a week at $10/hour is barely scraping by.

For the first time in my life I truly understand that hard work and long hours do not equal a decent living. If it were not for the blessing of being able to live rent-free at my grandmother's, I would not be able to afford to pay both my student loans and rent. Even so, I am barely in the black every month. How does a person at this wage put anything towards savings?

Further, I live a very work and home-bound life. I rarely eat out. I take a large salad to work every Monday to eat for the entire week's lunches. I cook and eat at home when I'm not at work. I don't spend money on junk food and sweets. I don't drink. I only drive to work on stormy days, and anyway - the drive is less than a mile, so I don't spend money on gas. I have a smart phone, but I have the lowest and cheapest data package available. I track literally every penny that I spend.

It seems that the only big expense that is of my own doing, is my large, monthly student loan payment. I will be paying off my bachelor's degree until I am in my 50s.

So there it is in mostly a nutshell. Something that is talked about a lot these days - the overloading of student loan debt and the inadequate minimum wage. I don't have the long answer to these, but I think it should be pretty obvious that higher education should not be so expensive and should not be all but required in order to obtain a low-paying job. Workers need to be paid a fair wage for their labor and should be able to save at least a little for retirement and for emergencies. Buying a place to live or rent at a decent price, should not be a faraway dream that only people in high paying salaried positions can achieve.

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