I never said I wasn't crazy.

Blah Blah Blah

Location: Midwest, United States

We're all mad here.


People I Know & Read


Book Kitten

People I Don't Know - But Like Anyway

Unemployed? See OddTodd

The Edge

The Onion

Morbid Curiousity

Cosmic Log - What's Happening in Space

Karadin @ LJ

The Unrepentant Marxist

Purple Squirrel

We're Only Human

Ask Dr. Eldritch

Other Stuff

Nailz and I's Infamous Picture

this is funny and you should watch it

my artsy-fartsy photos

Thursday, October 01, 2015

it's taken me all this time, all this time

September 1, 2015 (火)
Q: Teacher or student?
A: Neither right now. Thank goodness...

September 2, 2015 (水)
Q: Is your home/apartment clean?
A: My room is. There isn't much storage space so...

September 3, 2015 (木)
Q: Where have you found evidence of a higher power?
A: There is no evidence. Sometimes recognizable coincidences make me superstitious though.

September 4, 2015 (金)
Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: Not here, in this house, at least. I'm not sure. I hope I am making significantly more money in five years.

September 5, 2015 (土)
Q: Today you learned _________ .
A: That working until 4pm on a Saturday is not so bad.

September 6, 2015 (日)
Q: What was the last online video clip you watched?
A: It was a clip on facebook that George Takei posted. Something about women's rights.

September 7, 2015 (月)
Q: What's the newest thing you're wearing today?
A: Technically, it's my jeans. They're new to me because I bought them used at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago.

September 8, 2015 (火)
Q: Who are you jealous of?
A: Anyone with a salary that doesn't make them scrimp and scrape just to get by.

September 9, 2015 (水)
Q: What comes to mind when you think of fear?
A: Stagnation. Staying in one place too long.

September 10, 2015 (木)
Q: This is utterly confounding ____________.
A: Everything if thought about in minute detail.

September 11, 2015 (金)
Q: What advice would you give to a second-grader?
A: Be considerate, if not kind. Thinking of other people makes you a better person.

September 12, 2015 (土)
Q: What are you chasing at this moment?
A: An idea of happiness and satisfaction.

September 13, 2015 (日)
Q: Write down a minor, but chronic problem.
A: Over-planning/committing on weekends - makes the weekend tiring rather than enjoyable.

September 14, 2015 (月)
Q: Who can help you?
A: Everyone can, but I don't want help. I like having to try to help myself. If my circumstances were not good - I would probably take help, though.

September 15, 2015 (火)
Q: Who are the most important people in your life?
A: There are too many to list. For a single person, I feel lucky about that.

Random Ramble:
I was thinking today about ridiculous things. Weird things that I wonder if anyone else wonders about. And they come and go so quickly that I lose track of them and forget them.

Lately, I have the future on my mind a lot. I know that most people's lives are spent thinking about the future in one way or another. I feel like I have had to think about and redefine my goals and wants a lot in the past 4 years or so. Another change in what I envision my future to be has arrived with full-force and has been consuming most of my head space. I'm poking and prodding it and trying to look at it from every angle that I can. I do this to most big future plans - most of the time it helps me make a decision, but this time it feels too much like a dream - as if it isn't near enough to reality. And like most of my future plans, I am the only one in it. I can't bring myself to see a future where someone else shares my life. Do I lack foresight, or would I really be happiest centering my life around me and only me?

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