I never said I wasn't crazy.

Blah Blah Blah

Location: Midwest, United States

We're all mad here.


People I Know & Read


Book Kitten

People I Don't Know - But Like Anyway

Unemployed? See OddTodd

The Edge

The Onion

Morbid Curiousity

Cosmic Log - What's Happening in Space

Karadin @ LJ

The Unrepentant Marxist

Purple Squirrel

We're Only Human

Ask Dr. Eldritch

Other Stuff

Nailz and I's Infamous Picture

this is funny and you should watch it

my artsy-fartsy photos

Sunday, October 04, 2015

the mountains win again

September 16, 2015 ()
Q: What would you want to study at school?
A: Sociology maybe. Then I could rule the world. Mwahahaha!

September 17, 2015 ()
Q: What's your favorite snack food?
A: Today - Oreos. Usually anything chocolate, but I love sweet and salty together.

September 18, 2015 ()
Q: A decision you made today ___________.
A: That I definitely want a different job...

September 19, 2015 ()
Q: What's a new place you've recently been to?
A: A new restaurant in town. I got their grab 'n' go cheap lunch special. It was delicious!

September 20, 2015 ()
Q: What's your favorite television show?
A: Ooh. Lots, but my favorite show was canceled after its first season - Forever. It had the right amount of everything: tension, romance, humor, drama.

September 21, 2015 ()
Q: Where do you think your road is going?
A: Hopefully out of this job. Notice I didn't say career. I just mean this particular job.

September 22, 2015 ()
Q: What shocking news  have you recently learned?
A: A murder suicide in Platte. A man (of course) shot his wife, four children, himself and burned down his house. Turns out he was just about to get into legal trouble.

September 23, 2015 ()
Q: Write down a quote for today.
A: "I make my plans at night; I don't sleep, I don't sleep 'til it's light."

September 24, 2015 ()
Q: When was the last time you went dancing?
A: "Went dancing"? A long time ago, but I dance in my room a lot...

September 25, 2015 ()
Q: Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
A: Right now, I'm trying to plan while flying blind. I wonder what next year's answer will be...

September 26, 2015 ()
Q: Today was amusing because ______________.
A: I went to a parade. I haven't been to a parade in a long time.

September 27, 2015 ()
Q: Do you handle rejection well?
A: Not really, but it forces me to keep my options open.

September 28, 2015 ()
Q: How hungry are you right now?
A: Pretty darn. Wish I could have something sweet.

September 29, 2015 ()
Q: Bad news: sugarcoated or straight-up?
A: Depends on the news. Some things are best revealed straight and unyielding.

September 30, 2015 ()
Q: How do you get out of a rut?
A: Nap and nap again. It's life's little reset button.


